You can edit 2 categories of settings :
1. The Types of Animation
5 types of text animations exist and they can each be configured following certain settings specific to each, like the following :
The Titre
- Style : Solid Background / Split Background
- Background : Color + Blur
- Border : Color + Thickness + Position (Right / Up / Left / Down)
- Drop Shadow : Color + Thickness + Position (Right / Up / Left / Down)
- Corner radius : Radius + Position
Size & Position
- Position : 9 positions Grid (Up/Middle/Down + Left/Middle/Right)
- Margins : X & Y (to define)
- Internal Margins : (Up + Down + Left + Right) in %
- Field spacing : in %
- Fixed Width and Height : (ON/OFF) in %
Motion Design
- Background Animation : (fade / translation / expand / no motion)
- Text Animation (Transition) : (fade / translation / unveil)
- Text Animation (animation) : (Letter by letter / Word by word / Whole text)
- Duration : (4 sec / 8 sec / 12 sec / whole frame)
- Default apparition timing : to define
Les infos intervenant
- Style : Fond uni / Fonds séparés
Arrière plan : défini sur chaque champ
Size & Position
- Position : 9 positions Grid (Up/Middle/Down + Left/Middle/Right)
- Margins : X & Y (to define)
- Internal Margins : (Up + Down + Left + Right) in %
- Field spacing : in %
- Fixed Width and Height : (ON/OFF) in %
Motion Design
- Background Animation : (fade / translation / expand / no motion)
- Text Animation (Transition) : (fade / translation / unveil)
- Text Animation (animation) : (Letter by letter / Word by word / Whole text)
- Duration : (4 sec / 8 sec / 12 sec / whole frame)
- Default apparition timing : to define
Les Mots-clés
- Style : Fond uni / Fonds séparés
- Arrière plan : défini sur chaque champ
Size & Position
- Position : 9 positions Grid (Up/Middle/Down + Left/Middle/Right)
- Margins : X & Y (to define)
- Internal Margins : (Up + Down + Left + Right) in %
- Field spacing : in %
- Fixed Width and Height : (ON/OFF) in %
Motion Design
- Background Animation : (fade / translation / expand / no motion)
- Text Animation (Transition) : (fade / translation / unveil)
- Text Animation (animation) : (Letter by letter / Word by word / Whole text)
- Duration : (4 sec / 8 sec / 12 sec / whole frame)
- Default apparition timing : to define
Le panneau
- Style : Solid Background / Pannel
- Background : Color + Blur
- Border : Color + Thickness + Position (Right / Up / Left / Down)
- Drop Shadow : Color + Thickness + Position (Right / Up / Left / Down)
- Corner radius : Radius + Position
Size & Position
- Position : 9 positions Grid (Up/Middle/Down + Left/Middle/Right)
- Margins : X & Y (to define)
- Internal Margins : (Up + Down + Left + Right) in %
- Field spacing : in %
- Fixed Width and Height : (ON/OFF) in %
Motion Design
- Background Animation : (fade / translation / expand / no motion)
- Text Animation (Transition) : (fade / translation / unveil)
- Text Animation (animation) : (Letter by letter / Word by word / Whole text)
- Duration : (4 sec / 8 sec / 12 sec / whole frame)
- Default apparition timing : to define
The image
Siez & Position
- Position : 9 positions Grid (Up/Middle/Down + Left/Middle/Right)
- Margins : X & Y (to define)
- Width and Height : (ON/OFF) in % (Linked/Unlinked)
- Incrustation : Fit / Fill
- Leave a placeholder (vide)
- User's profile picture (project's owner)
- Upload an image (uploaded on the project)
Motion Design
- Animation : (fade / translation / expand / no motion)
- Duration : (4 sec / 8 sec / 12 sec / whole frame)
- Default apparition timing : to define
2. The Text Field
- Text color
- Font : Family + Size + Weight (Light / Regular / Bold / Italic)
- Text alignement : To the left / Centered / To the right
- Text transformation : Standard / All in uppercase / all in lowercase
- Characters limit : (ON/OFF) in numbers
- Max number of lines : (ON/OFF) in numbers
For more information about the text fields settings, check out this article Set up text sections with video charters.
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